QuestionsCategory: General Knowledge
Which is the tallest mountain in Himalaya rage ?
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
753 views16 answers-1 votes
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
625 views13 answers-1 votes
Why should link PAN to Aadhaar Card?
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
673 views14 answers0 votes
Pharmacist job
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
3781 views11 answers0 votes
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
594 views16 answers2 votes
General knowledge
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
382 views7 answers0 votes
Who is known as the \’Grand Old Man of India\’ ?
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
725 views14 answers-1 votes
General knowledge
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
356 views10 answers2 votes
When was Chhattisgarh separated from Madhya Pradesh?
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
764 views10 answers0 votes
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
718 views8 answers0 votes
ClosedQuorans answered 6 years ago • 
638 views8 answers0 votes
Who was the first Governor of Madhya Pradesh?
Closedashishkhalode answered 6 years ago • 
594 views10 answers0 votes
Closedashishkhalode answered 6 years ago • 
375 views7 answers0 votes
General knowledge
Closedashishkhalode answered 6 years ago • 
481 views10 answers0 votes
ClosedAshok1948 answered 6 years ago • 
402 views10 answers-1 votes