26 Answers
Indian Army Education Criteria & Age Limit
Post Category
Age limit
Soldier Tradesman
17 ½ – 23 Yrs
20-25 Yrs
JCO, Religious Teachers
27-34 Yrs
JCO, Catering
21-27 Yrs
Kadam123 has explained correctly.
But he explained about JCO entries only.
I would like add info about Officers entries in Indian Army
1 CDS entry
PC 24 years
SSC 25 years
2. NDA 19.5 years
3 officer through jco post 27 years
You can write cds upto the age of 25. For technical entries (like ssc tech and tgc)the maximum age allowed is 27. Apart from these entries for regular army , one can always apply for territorial army . The maximum age allowed for territorial army is 42.
The age limit for soldiers is 17 1/2 years to 21 years. For soldier clerk position age should be between 17 to 23 years.
- TEC-41: जन्म 01 जानेवारी 2000 ते जानेवारी 2003 दरम्यान.
- TGC-129: 01 जुलै 2019 रोजी 20 ते 27 वर्षे.