QuestionsCategory: General KnowledgeFull form of SEBC
Umesh Chavan asked 6 years ago
6 Answers
kadam123 answered 6 years ago
The Central Government of India classifies some of its citizens based on their social and economic condition as Other Backward Class (OBC), and are statutorily termed Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC). The central and state governments have identified SEBCs and offer them reservation.
somnath_kamade answered 6 years ago
statutorily termed Socially and Educationally Backward Classes (SEBC). The central and state governments have identified SEBCs and offer them reservation.
Sameer1 answered 6 years ago
Socially and Educationally Backward Classes
Rohit Apte answered 6 years ago
Socially Educationally Backward Classes
kiran_gavit answered 6 years ago
SBEC MEANS Socially Educationally Backward Classes
Nitin Jagtap answered 6 years ago
 SEBC Is it Socially and Economically Backward Classes or Socially and Educationally Backward Classes ...