QuestionsCategory: General QuestionWhat are the best book of civil engineer ?
PDD asked 6 years ago
7 Answers
Quorans answered 6 years ago
in civil engg you have many subjects and so according to the subject there are many books for each subject.
the books my friends used were
1. Theory of Structures (SI Units)R.S Khurmi
2.  Design of Steel Structures – PB Subramaniam
                                                  ss bhavikatti
3. Concrete Technology by MS Shetty
Ramkrushna Rajole answered 6 years ago
  1. Elements of civil engineering and mechanics,
  2. Handbook for civil engineering,
  3. Postal study course civil engineering by Made easy
  4. GATE 2013: civil engineering (English).
Aslam answered 6 years ago
S. Chand
nileshpatil1834 answered 6 years ago
Lot of books available please check on google
Rani Kedare answered 6 years ago
Please check syllabus  and refer best book
kadam123 answered 6 years ago
Sameer1 answered 6 years ago
  1. Handbook for civil engineering,