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Associate Banks of State Bank of India – SBI Clerk Exam Syllabus, Pattern & Eligibility Criteria

  1. SBI State Bank Of IndiaExam Pattern
  2. Clerks Exam Syllabus
  3. Eligibility Criteria

SBI Associate Banks Clerk Exam Pattern: SBI Associate Banks Clerk Exam is a 2 hour & 15 minutes examination and will have 200 objective type Questions for you to solve. The test will be online objective type will have the following 5 sections with 40 marks each for each section. The above tests except the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi.

  • Type of Questions : Online Objective Type
  • No. of Questions : 200 Questions
  • Duration : 2 hour & 15 minutes
  • Negative Marking : 0.25 Marks deducted for Wrong answer.

This time the exam is going to be online. This exam consists of the following sections.

General Awareness :

  • Maximum Marks : 40 marks
  • No. of Questions : 40 Question

General English : 

  • Maximum Marks : 40 marks
  • No. of Questions : 40 Question

Quantitative Aptitude : 

  • Maximum Marks : 40 marks
  • No. of Questions : 40 Question

Reasoning Ability : 

  • Maximum Marks : 40 marks
  • No. of Questions : 40 Question

Marketing Aptitude/ Computer Knowledge : 

  • Maximum Marks : 40 marks
  • No. of Questions : 40 Question

Personal Interview : Candidates qualified in the test will be placed according to their marks in descending order in respective categories. Candidates are required to score a minimum percentage marks (to be decided by the bank) in interview to be considered for final selection. 5% relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XS category will be available thereon. The knowledge of local languages will be tested in the interview. 10% weightage would be given out of total marks (35) for interview for possessing working knowledge of local language. Final selection will be made on the basis of candidate’s performance in the test and interview taken together.

SBI Associate Banks Syllabus for Clerks : SBI Associate Banks Clerks Exam is the most popular exam among the all exams conducted by SBI. Now lets have a look at the detailed syllabus of Clerks Exam….

First Section – General Awareness :
Fourth section is General Awareness. These questions are not based on any specific study but related to current affairs. Definition of the current affairs is recent activity of India, and its neighbor countries like as sports, constitution, politics, history, banking, culture, geography, economy, techniques and Finance.

Second Section – English Language :
Second section of is English language. It is one of the most important languages because it is wider and useful in all over the world, so the managing committee wants to select only those candidates who are capable of understand English. The questions in this section may be asked from the topic is vocabulary means homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, sentence completion, word formation and the topic comprehension means deriving conclusion, theme detection, passage completion and the topic Rearrangement of passage, spelling, sentence and the topic grammar means set of rules active passive voice, indirect direct speech and the topic General usage means phrases and idioms.

Third Section – Numerical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude :
Third section is Quantitative Aptitude in this question will have five multiple-choice answers. The question in this selection may be based on two topics like as Arithmetic and Data Interpretation. Data Interpretation means bar graphs, pie charts, line graphs and tabulation. Arithmetic means roots, average, ratio, time & work, time & distance, percentage, profit & loss, mixture, stocks & shares, partnership, clocks, volume & surface area, height & distances, logarithms, permutation & combination, simple & compound interest, in equations & equations and probability.

Fourth Section – Test of Reasoning :
First section will be Logical Reasoning means the process of forming judgement conclusions from premises or facts. The question in this section may be based on Verbal and Non-Verbal.
Verbal means classification, analogy, decision making, word formation, series, decoding & coding, blood relation, symbol & notation, statement & conclusion, sitting arrangement and problem solving.
Non-Verbal means series completion, finding any missing figure and classification.

Fifth Section – Marketing Aptitude :

Questions Can be asked from any of the topics below……….

  • Branding
  • Marketing research
  • Functions of Marketing
  • Marketing Decisions
  • 4P’s (Product,Price, Place, Promotion)
  • Methods of Marketing
  • Demand
  • Marketing environment
  • Advertising
  • Influence of Marketing In Banking

Computer Knowledge :

Computer awareness means knowledge and ability to use computers. Questions are based on two topics like as hardware and software. The topics will be covered in this section are MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, Windows, internet and how to operate well for official use. You can say that just basic knowledge of computers.That contains the following topics operating systems, computer networks, internet, E-commerce, the basic computer architecture, terminology, EFT systems, acronyms and MS Office 2003, 2007.

Eligibility Criteria : A Degree (Graduation level) from a recognised university, or any equivalent qualification recognised as such by the Central/State Government.

Age : (As on 01.12.2014)

Minimum : 20 years
Maximum : 28 years