Adivasi Vikas Vibhag Bharti 2024. Maha Tribal Bharti 2024. Maharashtra Tribal Development Department, Mahatribal Bharti 2024 (Adivasi Vikas Vibhag Bharti 2024 / Mahatribal Recruitment 2024) for 611 Group B (Non-Gazetted) and Group C ( Senior Tribal Development Inspector, Research Assistant,Deputy Accountant/Head Clerk, Tribal Development Inspector, Senior Clerk/Statistical Assistant,Steno-Typist, Superintendent (Male), Superintendent (Female), Warden (Male), Warden (Female), Librarian, Assistant Librarian, Laboratory Assistant, Cameraman-Cum-Project Operator, Junior Education Extension Officer, Stenographer (Higher Grade), & Stenographer (Lower Grade) Posts.
जाहिरात क्र.: आस्था-पद भरती 2024/प्र.क्र. 59/का.2 (2)/नाशिक
Total: 611 जागा
पदाचे नाव & तपशील:
पद क्र. |
पदाचे नाव |
पद संख्या |
1 |
वरिष्ठ आदिवासी विकास निरीक्षक |
18 |
2 |
संशोधन सहाय्यक |
19 |
3 |
उपलेखापाल/मुख्य लिपिक |
41 |
4 |
आदिवासी विकास निरीक्षक |
01 |
5 |
वरिष्ठ लिपिक/सांख्यिकी सहाय्यक |
205 |
6 |
लघुटंकलेखक |
10 |
7 |
अधीक्षक (पुरुष) |
29 |
8 |
अधीक्षक (स्त्री) |
55 |
9 |
गृहपाल (पुरुष) |
62 |
10 |
गृहपाल (स्त्री) |
29 |
11 |
ग्रंथपाल |
48 |
12 |
सहाय्यक ग्रंथपाल |
01 |
13 |
प्रयोगशाळा सहाय्यक |
30 |
14 |
कॅमेरामेन कम प्रोजेक्टर ऑपरेटर |
01 |
15 |
कनिष्ठ शिक्षण विस्तार अधिकारी |
45 |
16 |
उच्चश्रेणी लघुलेखक |
03 |
17 |
निम्नश्रेणी लघुलेखक |
14 |
Total |
611 |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता:
- पद क्र.1: कला/विज्ञान/वाणिज्य/विधी पदवी किंवा शिक्षण किंवा शारीरिक शिक्षणशास्त्र पदवी
- पद क्र.2: पदवीधर
- पद क्र.3: पदवीधर
- पद क्र.4: पदवीधर
- पद क्र.5: पदवीधर
- पद क्र.6: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) लघुलेखन 80 श.प्र.मि. आणि इंग्रजी टंकलेखन 40 श.प्र.मि. व मराठी टंकलेखन 30 श.प्र.मि.
- पद क्र.7: समाजकार्य/समाज कल्याण प्रशासन किंवा आदिवासी कल्याण किंवा आदिवासी प्रशासन शाखेतील पदवी
- पद क्र.8: समाजकार्य/समाज कल्याण प्रशासन किंवा आदिवासी कल्याण किंवा आदिवासी प्रशासन शाखेतील पदवी
- पद क्र.9:समाजकार्य/समाज कल्याण प्रशासन किंवा आदिवासी कल्याण किंवा आदिवासी कल्याण प्रशासन शाखेतील पदव्युत्तर पदवी
- पद क्र.10: समाजकार्य/समाज कल्याण प्रशासन किंवा आदिवासी कल्याण किंवा आदिवासी कल्याण प्रशासन शाखेतील पदव्युत्तर पदवी
- पद क्र.11: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) ग्रंथालय प्रशिक्षण प्रमाणपत्र
- पद क्र.12: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) ग्रंथालय प्रशिक्षण प्रमाणपत्र
- पद क्र.13: 10वी उत्तीर्ण
- पद क्र.14: (i) 12वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) फोटोग्राफी डिप्लोमा/प्रमाणपत्र (iii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.15: कोणत्याही शाखेतील पदवी
- पद क्र.16: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) इंग्रजी व मराठी लघुलेखन 120 श.प्र.मि. (iii) इंग्रजी टंकलेखन 40 श.प्र.मि. व मराठी टंकलेखन 30 श.प्र.मि. (iv) MS-CIT
- पद क्र.17: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) इंग्रजी व मराठी लघुलेखन 100 श.प्र.मि. (iii) इंग्रजी टंकलेखन 40 श.प्र.मि. व मराठी टंकलेखन 30 श.प्र.मि. (iv) MS-CIT
वयाची अट: 01 नोव्हेंबर 2024 रोजी 18 ते 38 वर्षे [मागासवर्गीय: 05 वर्षे सूट] |
नोकरी ठिकाण: संपूर्ण महाराष्ट्र |
Fee: खुला प्रवर्ग: ₹1000/- [मागासवर्गीय/आ.दु.घ/अनाथ/दिव्यांग/माजी सैनिक: ₹900/-] |
महत्त्वाच्या तारखा:
- Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख:
02 नोव्हेंबर 2024 30 नोव्हेंबर 2024
- परीक्षा: नंतर कळविण्यात येईल.
महत्वाच्या लिंक्स:
Advertisement No.: आस्था-पद भरती 2024/प्र.क्र. 59/का.2 (2)/नाशिक |
Total: 611 Posts |
Name of the Post & Details:
Post No. |
Name of the Post |
No. of Vacancy |
1 |
Senior Tribal Development Inspector |
18 |
2 |
Research Assistant |
19 |
3 |
Deputy Accountant/Head Clerk |
41 |
4 |
Tribal Development Inspector |
01 |
5 |
Senior Clerk/Statistical Assistant |
205 |
6 |
Steno-Typist |
10 |
7 |
Superintendent (Male) |
29 |
8 |
Superintendent (Female) |
55 |
9 |
Warden (Male) |
62 |
10 |
Warden (Female) |
29 |
11 |
Librarian |
48 |
12 |
Assistant Librarian |
01 |
13 |
Laboratory Assistant |
30 |
14 |
Cameraman-Cum-Project Operator |
01 |
15 |
Junior Education Extension Officer |
45 |
16 |
Stenographer (Higher Grade) |
03 |
17 |
Stenographer (Lower Grade) |
14 |
Total |
611 |
Educational Qualification:
- Post No.1: Must possess a degree in Arts, Science, Commerce, or Law with a minimum of a Second Class or a degree in Education or Physical Education from a recognised university. Provided further that candidates with experience in educational administration, institutional management, and inspection, as well as a propensity for hobbies and diversions, may be given preference.
- Post No.2: Hold a degree from a university that is widely recognised. In the event that candidates possess a degree in either Mathematics, Economics, Commerce, or Statistics, preference may be given.
- Post No.3: Hold a degree from a university that is widely recognised. Given that candidates who possess a postgraduate degree or a degree in education may be given preference.
- Post No.4: Hold a degree from an accredited university. Preference may be granted to those who hold a Post-Graduate Degree or a Degree in Education.
- Post No.5: Hold a degree from an accredited university. Preference may be granted to candidates holding a degree in Mathematics, Economics, Commerce, or Statistics.
- Post No.6: Must have successfully completed the Secondary School Certificate Examination or an examination deemed equivalent by the Government, and possess a Government Commercial Certificate demonstrating a shorthand speed of no less than 80 words per minute, a typewriting speed of no less than 40 words per minute in English, and 30 words per minute in Marathi typewriting. Maharashtra State Council of Examinations or Government Industrial Training Institute.
- Post No.7: Possess a degree from a recognised university in social welfare, social welfare administration, tribal development, or tribal administration.
- Post No.8: Possess a degree from a recognised university in social welfare, social welfare administration, tribal development, or tribal administration.
- Post No.9: Possess a postgraduate degree from a recognised university in social welfare, social welfare administration, tribal welfare development, or tribal welfare administration.
- Post No.10: Hold a postgraduate degree from a recognised university in social welfare, social welfare administration, tribal welfare development, or tribal welfare administration.
- Post No.11: Have successfully completed the SSC test and hold a Certificate in Library Training from a government-recognized college or institute.
Preference will be granted to those who hold a Diploma in Library Science and possess a minimum of two years of library work experience.
- Post No.12: Successfully completed the SSC exams and hold a Certificate in Library Training from an accredited college or institute.
- Post No.13: Successfully completed the SSC examination
- Post No.14: Individuals who have successfully completed the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, possess a diploma or certificate in Photography from a recognised institution, and have acquired a minimum of three years of practical experience in the operation of audiovisual machines related to photography, printing, enlarging, and associated sciences or technologies from an industrial training institute or a government-recognized institution.
- Post No.15: Individuals who have earned a degree in any field from a recognised university or who possess any other qualification that has been designated equivalent by the government in this respect
- Post No.16: (i) 10th Pass (ii) English and Marathi Short Writing 120 wpm (iii) English Typing 40 wpm and Marathi Typing 30 wpm. (iv) MS-CIT
- Post No.17: (i) 10th Pass (ii) English and Marathi Short Writing 100 wpm (iii) English Typing 40 wpm and Marathi Typing 30 wpm. (iv) MS-CIT
Age Limit: 18 to 38 years as on 01 November 2024 [Reserved Category: 05 Years Relaxation] |
Job Location: All Maharashtra |
Fee: Open Category: ₹1000/- [Reserved Category/EWS/Orphan/PWD/ExSM: ₹900/-] |
Important Dates:
- Last Date of Online Application:
02 November 2024 30 November 2024
- Date of the Examination: To be notified later.
Important Links: