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(IGCAR) इंदिरा गांधी अणुसंशोधन केंद्रात 100 जागांसाठी भरती


IGCAR Recruitment 2023

Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research (IGCAR) is one of India’s premier nuclear research centers. It is the second largest establishment of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), next to Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC), located at Kalpakkam, IGCAR Recruitment 2023 (IGCAR Bharti 2023) for 337 Junior Research Fellow Posts.  www.majhinaukri.in/igcar-recruitment


जाहिरात क्र.: IGCAR/02/2023

Total: 100 जागा

पदाचे नाव: ज्युनियर रिसर्च फेलो

शैक्षणिक पात्रता: 55% गुणांसह पदव्युत्तर पदवी  [SC/ST/OBC: 50% गुण]

वयाची अट: 16 जून 2023 रोजी 28 वर्षांपर्यंत [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

नोकरी ठिकाण: कल्पाक्कम (तमिळनाडु)

Fee: फी नाही.

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 16 जून 2023

अर्जाची प्रिंट पोस्टाने पाठविण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 21 जून 2023

अर्ज पोस्टाने पाठविण्याचा पत्ता: The Assistant Personnel Officer [R], Recruitment Section, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research, Chengalpattu District, Kalpakkam- 603 102, Tamil Nadu Soft Copy To Email: jrfrect@igcar.gov.in

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

Online अर्ज: Apply Online

English Post Divider

Advertisement No.: IGCAR/02/2023

Total: 100 Posts

Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualification: Post Graduate Degree with 55% Marks [SC/ST/OBC: 50% Marks]

Age Limit: Up to 28 years as on 16 June 2023 [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

Job Location: Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu)

Fee: No fee.

Last Date of Online Application: 16 June 2023

Last Date for Submission of Hard Copy of Online Application: 21 June 2023

Address to Send the Application by Post: The Assistant Personnel Officer [R], Recruitment Section, Indira Gandhi Center for Atomic Research, Chengalpattu District, Kalpakkam- 603 102, Tamil Nadu Soft Copy To Email: jrfrect@igcar.gov.in

Official Website: View

Notification: View

Online Application: Apply Online


[expand title=” 337 जागांसाठी भरती (Click Here) “]

जाहिरात क्र.: IGCAR/02/2021

Total: 337 जागा 

पदाचे नाव & तपशील: 

पद क्र. पदाचे नाव  पद संख्या
1 सायंटिफिक ऑफिसर/E  01
2 टेक्निकल ऑफिसर/E  01
3 सायंटिफिक ऑफिसर/D 03
4 टेक्निकल ऑफिसर/C  41
5 टेक्निशियन/B (क्रेन ऑपरेटर)  01
6 स्टेनोग्राफर ग्रेड-III 04
7 उच्च श्रेणी लिपिक 08
8 ड्राइव्हर (OG) 02
9 सिक्योरिटी गार्ड  02
10 वर्क असिस्टंट 20
11 कॅन्टीन अटेंडंट 15
12 स्टायपेंडरी ट्रेनी कॅटेगरी-I 68
13 स्टायपेंडरी ट्रेनी कॅटेगरी-II 171
Total 337

शैक्षणिक पात्रता:

  1. पद क्र.1: (i) Ph.D. (मेटलर्जी/मटेरियल इंजिनिअरिंग) (ii) 60% गुणांसह  B.Tech (मेटलर्जी)/M.Sc (फिजिक्स/केमिस्ट्री/मटेरियल सायन्स)   (ii) 04 वर्षे अनुभव 
  2. पद क्र.2: (i) 60% गुणांसह  BE/B.Tech (केमिकल)  (ii) 09 वर्षे अनुभव 
  3. पद क्र.3: Ph.D/60% गुणांसह B.E/B.Sc/M.Sc/ME
  4. पद क्र.4: 60% गुणांसह M.Sc. / M.Tech / B.E./B.Tech/BSc
  5. पद क्र.5: (i) 60% गुणांसह 10वी/12वी (PCM) उत्तीर्ण   (ii) क्रेन ऑपरेटर प्रमाणपत्र   (iii) अवजड वाहन चालक परवाना
  6. पद क्र.6: (i) 50% गुणांसह 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) शॉर्ट हैंड 80 श.प्र.मि. व इंग्रजी टायपिंग 30 श.प्र.मि.
  7. पद क्र.7: 50% गुणांसह पदवीधर
  8. पद क्र.8: (i)10वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) हलके व अवजड वाहन चालक परवाना  (iii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव
  9. पद क्र.9: 10वी उत्तीर्ण किंवा सशस्त्र दलाचे समतुल्य प्रमाणपत्र.
  10. पद क्र.10: 10वी उत्तीर्ण
  11. पद क्र.11: 10वी उत्तीर्ण
  12. पद क्र.12: 60% गुणांसह केमिकल/केमिकल टेक्नोलॉजी/सिव्हिल/इलेक्ट्रिकल/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स/इन्स्ट्रुमेंटेशन/मेकॅनिकल  इंजिनिअरिंग डिप्लोमा किंवा 60% गुणांसह B.Sc (केमिस्ट्री/फिजिक्स)
  13. पद क्र.13: 60% गुणांसह 10वी/12वी (PCM) उत्तीर्ण +ITI (ड्राफ्ट्समन-मेकॅनिकल/इलेक्ट्रिशियन/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेकॅनिक/इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक/फिटर/MMTM/मशीनिस्ट/टर्नर/Reff. & AC/अटेंडंट ऑपरेटर केमिकल प्लांट) किंवा 12वी (PCM) उत्तीर्ण

वयाची अट: 14 मे 2021 रोजी, [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

  1. पद क्र.1 ते 3: 18 ते 40 वर्षे
  2. पद क्र.4: 18 ते 35 वर्षे
  3. पद क्र.5 & 11: 18 ते 25 वर्षे
  4. पद क्र.6 ते 10: 18 ते 27 वर्षे
  5. पद क्र.12: 18 ते 24 वर्षे
  6. पद क्र.13: 18 ते 22 वर्षे

नोकरी ठिकाण: कल्पाक्कम (तमिळनाडु)

Fee:  [SC/ST/महिला: फी नाही]

  1. पद क्र.1 ते 4: ₹300/-   
  2. पद क्र.5 ते 11 & 13: ₹100/- 
  3. पद क्र.12: ₹200/- 

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 14 मे 2021  31 जुलै 2021 (11:59 PM)

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

Online अर्ज: Apply Online

English Post Divider

Advertisement No: IGCAR/02/2021

Total: 337 Posts

Name of the Post & Details: 

Post No. Name of the Post No. of Vacancy
1 Scientific Officer / E 01
2 Technical Officer/ E 01
3 Scientific Officer / D 03
4 Technical Officer/ C 41
5 Technician/ B (Crane Operator) 01
6 Stenographer Gr III 04
7 Upper Division Clerk 08
8 Driver (OG) 02
9 Security Guard 02
10 Work Asst/ A 20
11 Canteen Attendant 15
12 Stipendiary Trainee (CAT-I) 68
13 Stipendiary Trainee (CAT-II) 171
Total 337

Educational Qualification:

  1. Post No.1: (i) Ph.D. (Metallurgy / Material Engineering) (ii) B.Tech (Metallurgy) / M.Sc (Physics / Chemistry / Materials Science) with 60% marks (ii) 04 years experience
  2. Post No.2: (i) BE / B.Tech (Chemical) with 60% marks (ii) 09 years experience
  3. Post No.3: Ph.D / B.E / B.Sc / M.Sc / ME with 60% marks
  4. Post No.4: M.Sc. with 60% marks. / M.Tech / B.E./B.Tech/BSc
  5. Post No.5: (i) SSC / HSC (PCM) with 60% marks (ii) Crane Operator Certificate (iii) Heavy Driver License
  6. Post No.6: (i) HSC with 50% marks (ii) Short Hand 80 wpm And English typing 30 wpm
  7. Post No.7: Graduate with 50% marks
  8. Post No.8: (i) SSC (ii) Light and Heavy Driver’s License (iii) 03 years experience
  9. Post No.9: SSC or equivalent certificate of Armed Forces.
  10. Post No.10: SSC
  11. Post No.11: SSC
  12. Post No.12: Diploma in Chemical / Chemical Technology / Civil / Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation / Mechanical Engineering with 60% marks or B.Sc (Chemistry / Physics) with 60% marks
  13. Post No.13: SSC/12th (PCM) with 60% marks + ITI (Draftsman-Mechanical / Electrician / Electronic Mechanic / Instrument Mechanic / Fitter / MMTM / Machinist / Turner / Reff. & AC / Attendant Operator Chemical Plant) OR HSC (PCM)

Age Limit: as on 14 May 2021, [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

  1. Post No.1 to 3: 18 to 40 years
  2. Post No.4: 18 to 35 years
  3. Post No.5 & 11: 18 to 25 years
  4. Post No.6 to 10: 18 to 27 years
  5. Post No.12: 18 to 24 years
  6. Post No.13: 18 to 22 years

Job Location: Kalpakkam (Tamil Nadu)

Fee: [SC/ST/Female: No Fee]

  1. Post No.1 to 4: ₹300/-
  2. Post No.5 to 11 & 13: ₹100/-
  3. Post No.12: ₹200/-

Last Date of Online Application: 14 May 2021  31 July 2021 (11:59 PM)

Official Website: View

Notification: View

Online Application: Apply Online

30 जागांसाठी भरती

जाहिरात क्र.: IGCAR/JRF/01/2020

Total: 30 जागा 

पदाचे नाव: ज्युनिअर रिसर्च फेलो

शैक्षणिक पात्रता: M.Sc/ M.Tech / M.E (Nuclear Engineering / Nuclear Science & Technology) /B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./ B.Sc. (Tech)

वयाची अट: 03 एप्रिल 2020 रोजी 28 वर्षांपर्यंत [SC/ST:05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

नोकरी ठिकाण: कल्पाक्कम (तमिळनाडु)

Fee: फी नाही.

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 03 एप्रिल 2020  29 मे 2020 (05:00 PM)

मुलाखत: 03 ते 12 जून 2020

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

Online अर्ज: Apply Online

English Post Divider

Advertisement No.: IGCAR/JRF/01/2020

Total: 30 Posts

Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow

Educational Qualification: M.Sc/ M.Tech / M.E (Nuclear Engineering / Nuclear Science & Technology) /B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. Engg./ B.Sc. (Tech).

Age Limit: 28 years as on 03 April 2020 [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

Job Location: Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu)

Fee: No fee

Last Date of Online Application: 03 April 2020  30 May 2020 (05:00 PM)

Date of Interview: 03 to 12 June 2020

Notification: View

Online Application: Apply Online

130 अप्रेन्टिस भरती

जाहिरात क्र.: 01/2019

Total: 130 जागा 

पदाचे नाव: अप्रेन्टिस (प्रशिक्षणार्थी)

अ.क्र  ट्रेड  पद संख्या 
1 फिटर 30
2 टर्नर 05
3 मशिनिस्ट 05
4 इलेक्ट्रिशिअन  25
5 इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेकॅनिक 10
6 वेल्डर (G&E) 07
7 इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक 12
8 ड्राफ्टस्मन (मेकॅनिकल) 02
9 ड्राफ्टस्मन (सिव्हिल) 02
10 कारपेंटर 04
11 मेकॅनिक Ref. & A/C 08
12 मेकॅनिक मशीन टूल्स मेंटेनन्स  02
13 प्लम्बर 02
14 मेसन / सिव्हिल मिस्त्री 02
15 बुक बाइंडर 01
16 PASAA 07
Total 130

शैक्षणिक पात्रता:

  1. वेल्डर (G&E), कारपेंटर,प्लम्बर,मेसन / सिव्हिल मिस्त्री,बुक बाइंडर : (i) 08 वी उत्तीर्ण    (ii) संबंधित ट्रेड मध्ये ITI
  2. उर्वरित ट्रेड: (i)10 वी उत्तीर्ण    (ii) संबंधित ट्रेड मध्ये ITI

वयाची अट: 24 एप्रिल 2019 रोजी 16 ते 22 वर्षे [SC/ST:05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

नोकरी ठिकाण: कल्पाक्कम (तमिळनाडु)

Fee: फी नाही.

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 24 एप्रिल 2019

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

अप्रेन्टिस नोंदणी: Apply Online

Online अर्ज: Apply Online


Advertisement No.: 01/2019

Total: 130 Posts

Name of the Post: ITI Trade Apprentice

Educational Qualification:

  • Welder (G & E), Carpenter, Plumber, Mason / Civil Mistry, Book Binder: Passed 08th std. examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent. ITI certificate of not less than two years.
  • Fitter, Turner, Machinist, Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Instrument Mechanic, Draughtsman (Mechanical), Draughtsman (Civil), Mechanic Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Mechanical Machine Tool Maintenance, PASAA:  Passed 10th std. examination under 10+2 system of education or its equivalent. ITI certificate.

Age Limit: 16 to 22 years as on 24 April 2019  [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

Job Location: Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu)

Fee: No fee

Last Date of Online Application: 24 April 2019

Notification: View

Apprentice Registration: Apply Online

Online Application: Apply Online


About IGCAR Recruitment

IGCAR (Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research) conducts recruitment for various positions in the field of atomic energy research and development. Here is some general information about IGCAR recruitment:

1. Positions: IGCAR offers recruitment for positions such as Scientific Officers, Technical Officers, Scientific Assistants, Technical Assistants, Stenographers, Upper Division Clerks, and other scientific, technical, and administrative roles.

2. Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria for IGCAR recruitment vary depending on the position applied for. Generally, candidates should have completed their graduation or post-graduation in the relevant field from a recognized university or institute. The specific educational qualifications, age limit, and experience requirements are mentioned in the recruitment notification or advertisement.

3. Selection Process: The selection process for IGCAR recruitment usually involves a written examination and/or an interview. The written examination consists of sections covering subjects like technical knowledge, general awareness, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning. Candidates who qualify the written examination are called for the interview. The final selection is based on the performance in the interview and the candidate’s overall merit.

4. Application Process: Interested candidates can apply for IGCAR recruitment online through the official website. Candidates need to register themselves, fill in the required details, and upload the necessary documents. The application fee, if applicable, needs to be paid online through net banking, credit card, or debit card.

5. Admit Card and Results: Admit cards for the written examination and interview are issued to eligible candidates on the official website. The results of the recruitment process, including the written examination and interview, are generally declared on the official website as well.

सूचना: 'माझी नोकरी' वरील सर्व PDF File (जाहिरात/निकाल) 'Google Drive' वर होस्ट केल्या जातात. PDF पाहताना काही समस्या असल्यास कृपया 'Google Drive App' Reinstall करा. (Uninstall करुन Install) त्यानंतर Mobile/Tablet Restart करा. 
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