ISRO URSC Bharti 2024. The U R Rao Satellite Centre, formerly the ISRO Satellite Centre, is an ISRO facility for the design, development, and manufacturing of Indian spacecraft. It was started in 1972 as the Indian Scientific Satellite Project in Bangalore’s Peenya Industrial Estates. ISAC was renamed U.R. Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). ISRO URSC Recruitment 2024 (ISRO URSC Bharti 2024) for 224 SScientist/ Engineer, Technician-B,Draftsman-B, Technical Assistant, Scientific Assistant, Library Assistant, Cook, Fireman-A, Light Vehicle Driver ‘A’, & Heavy Vehicle Driver ‘A’ Posts.
प्रवेशपत्र | निकाल |
जाहिरात क्र.: URSC:ISTRAC:01:2024
Total: 224 जागा
पदाचे नाव & तपशील:
पद क्र. | पदाचे नाव | पद संख्या |
1 | सायंटिस्ट/इंजिनिअर | 05 |
2 | टेक्निशियन-B | 126 |
3 | ड्राफ्ट्समन-B | 16 |
4 | टेक्निकल असिस्टंट | 55 |
5 | सायंटिफिक असिस्टंट | 06 |
6 | लाइब्रेरी असिस्टेंट | 01 |
7 | कुक | 04 |
8 | फायरमन-A | 03 |
9 | हलके वाहन चालक ‘A’ | 06 |
10 | अवजड वाहन चालक ‘A’ | 02 |
Total | 224 |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता:
- पद क्र.1: 60% गुणांसह M.E/M.Tech (Mechatronics/Materials Engineering / Material Science / Metallurgical Engineering / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Polymer Science & Technology) किंवा 65% गुणांसह B.E/B.Tech (Mechanical/Chemical) किंवा M.Sc (Physics / Applied Physics/Mathematics / Applied Mathematics)
- पद क्र.2: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स मेकॅनिक / टेक्निशियन पॉवर इलेक्ट्रॉनिक / मेकॅनिक ग्राहक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक उपकरणे / मेकॅनिक इंडस्ट्रियल इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स/इलेक्ट्रिकल / इलेक्ट्रिशियन/फोटोग्राफी/डिजिटल फोटोग्राफी/प्लंबर/R&AC/टर्नर/कारपेंटर/MVM/ मशीनिस्ट/वेल्डर)
- पद क्र.3: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC [ड्राफ्ट्समन (सिव्हिल & मेकॅनिकल)]
- पद क्र.4: प्रथम श्रेणी इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स/कॉम्प्युटर सायन्स/इलेक्ट्रिकल/सिव्हिल/ मेकॅनिकल इंजिनिअरिंग डिप्लोमा
- पद क्र.5: प्रथम श्रेणी B.Sc (Chemistry/Physics/Animation & Multimedia/ Mathematics)
- पद क्र.6: (i) पदवीधर (ii) ग्रंथालय विज्ञान / ग्रंथालय आणि माहिती विज्ञान किंवा समतुल्य पदवी
- पद क्र.7: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.8: 10वी उत्तीर्ण
- पद क्र.9: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) हलके वाहन चालक परवाना (iii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.10: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) अवजड वाहन चालक परवाना (iii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव
वयाची अट: 01 मार्च 2024 रोजी, [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]
- पद क्र.1: 18 ते 30 वर्षे/18 ते 28 वर्षे
- पद क्र.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 & 10: 18 ते 35 वर्षे
- पद क्र.8: 18 ते 25 वर्षे
नोकरी ठिकाण: बंगळूर.
Fee: [SC/ST/EWS/ExSM/PWD/महिला: फी नाही]
- पद क्र.1, 4 & 5: General/OBC/EWS: ₹750/-
- पद क्र.2, 3,6, 7, 8, 9 & 10: General/OBC/EWS: ₹500/-
Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 01 मार्च 2024 (11:55 PM)

Advertisement No.: URSC:ISTRAC:01:2024
Total: 224 Posts
Name of the Post & Details:
Post No. | Name of the Post | No. of Vacancy |
1 | Scientist/ Engineer | 05 |
2 | Technician-B | 126 |
3 | Draftsman-B | 16 |
4 | Technical Assistant | 55 |
5 | Scientific Assistant | 06 |
6 | Library Assistant | 01 |
7 | Cook | 04 |
8 | Fireman-A | 03 |
9 | Light Vehicle Driver ‘A’ | 06 |
10 | Heavy Vehicle Driver ‘A’ | 02 |
Total | 224 |
Educational Qualification:
- Post No.1: M.E/M.Tech (Mechatronics/Materials Engineering / Material Science / Metallurgical Engineering / Metallurgical & Materials Engineering / Polymer Science & Technology) with 60% marks or B.E/B.Tech (Mechanical/Chemical) with 65% marks OR M.Sc (Physics / Applied Physics / Mathematics / Applied Mathematics)
- Post No.2: (i) 10th Pass (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (Electronics Mechanic / Technician Power Electronic / Mechanic Consumer Electronic Equipment / Mechanic Industrial Electronics/Electrical / Electrician/Photography/Digital Photography/ Plumber/ R&AC/Turner/ Carpenter/MVM/Machinist/Welder)
- Post No.3: (i) 10th Pass (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC [Draftsman (Civil & Mechanical)]
- Post No.4: First Class Diploma in Electronics/Computer Science/ Electrical/ Civil/ Mechanical Engineering
- Post No.5: First Class B.Sc (Chemistry/Physics/Animation & Multimedia/ Mathematics)
- Post No.6: (i) Graduate (ii) Library Science / Library and Information Science or equivalent degree
- Post No.7: (i) 10th pass (ii) 05 years experience
- Post No.8: 10th pass
- Post No.9: (i) 10th pass (ii) Light Vehicle Driving License (iii) 03 years experience
- Post No.10: (i) 10th Pass (ii) Heavy Vehicle Driving License (iii) 05 Years Experience
Age Limit: As on 01 March 2024, [SC/ST: 05 Years Relaxation, OBC: 03 Years Relaxation]
- Post No.1: 18 to 30 years/18 to 28 years
- Post No.2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 & 10: 18 to 35 years
- Post No.8: 18 to 25 years
Job Location: Bangalore.
Fee: [SC/ST/EWS/ExSM/PWD/Women: No Fee]
- Post No.1, 4 & 5: General/OBC/EWS: ₹750/-
- Post No.2, 3,6, 7, 8, 9 & 10: General/OBC/EWS: ₹500/-
Last Date of Online Application: 01 March 2024 (11:55 PM)
Online Application: Apply Online

About ISRO RecruitmentISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) conducts recruitment for various positions in the field of space research and technology. Here is some general information about ISRO recruitment: 1. Positions: ISRO conducts recruitment for positions such as Scientist/Engineer, Technician, Technical Assistant, Administrative Officer, Accounts Officer, Junior Personal Assistant, and other technical, scientific, and administrative roles. 2. Eligibility Criteria: The eligibility criteria for ISRO recruitment vary depending on the position applied for. Generally, candidates should have completed their graduation, post-graduation, or diploma in the relevant field from a recognized university or institute. The age limit also varies based on the position and category of the candidate. 3. Selection Process: The selection process for ISRO recruitment typically involves a written examination, followed by an interview or skill test. The written examination consists of objective-type questions related to the field of the position applied for. Candidates who qualify the written examination are called for an interview or skill test, depending on the position. 4. Application Process: Interested candidates can apply for ISRO recruitment online through the official website. Candidates need to register themselves, fill in the required details, and upload the necessary documents. The application fee, if applicable, needs to be paid online through net banking, credit card, or debit card. 5. Admit Card and Results: Admit cards for the written examination and call letters for the interview or skill test are issued to eligible candidates on the official website. The results of the recruitment process, including the written examination and interview or skill test, are generally declared on the official website as well. |