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(MAT) महाराष्ट्र प्रशासकीय न्यायाधिकरणात विविध पदांची भरती


MAT Mumbai Recruitment 2020

MAT Mumbai RecruitmentMaharashtra Administrative Tribunal, Mumbai. MAT Mumbai Recruitment 2020, (MAT Mumbai Bharti 2020) for 11 Librarian, Stenographer, Steno-typist Posts.


Total: 11 जागा

पदाचे नाव & तपशील: 

पद क्र. पदाचे नाव पद संख्या
1 ग्रंथपाल 03
2 लघुलेखक (उच्च श्रेणी) 03
3 लघुलेखक (निम्न श्रेणी) 02
4 लघुटंकलेखक  03
Total 11

शैक्षणिक पात्रता: 

  1. पद क्र.1: (i) ग्रंथालयात शास्त्रामधील डिप्लोमा   (ii) 02 वर्षे अनुभव 
  2. पद क्र.2: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) लघुलेखन 120 श.प्र.मि. व इंग्रजी टंकलेखन 40 श.प्र.मि. किंवा मराठी टंकलेखन 30 श.प्र.मि.  (iii) MS-CIT किंवा समतुल्य
  3. पद क्र.3: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) लघुलेखन 100 श.प्र.मि. व इंग्रजी टंकलेखन 40 श.प्र.मि. किंवा मराठी टंकलेखन 30 श.प्र.मि.  (iii) MS-CIT किंवा समतुल्य
  4. पद क्र.4: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) लघुलेखन 80 श.प्र.मि. व इंग्रजी टंकलेखन 40 श.प्र.मि. किंवा मराठी टंकलेखन 30 श.प्र.मि.  (iii) MS-CIT किंवा समतुल्य

वयाची अट: 25 जुलै 2020 रोजी 18 ते 38 वर्षे [मागासवर्गीय: 05 वर्षे सूट]

नोकरी ठिकाण: मुंबई, नागपूर & औरंगाबाद 

Fee: फी नाही.

अर्ज पाठविण्याचा पत्ता (ईमेल):

अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 25 जुलै 2020 

अर्ज कसा करावा: आपला साधा लेखी / टाइप केलेला अर्ज स्कॅन केलेले CV/ रेझ्युमे सह आवश्यक कागदपत्रांच्या प्रती PDF फॉरमेट मध्ये तयार करून संबंधित ईमेल आयडी वर पाठवा. 

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

English Post Divider

Total: 11 Posts

Name of the Post & Details:  

Post No. Name of the Post No. of Vacancy
1 Librarian 03
2 Stenographer (H.G.) 03
3 Stenographer (L.G.) 02
4 Steno-typist 03
Total 11

Educational Qualification:

  1. Post No.1: (i) Possess a minimum diploma in Library Science  (ii) Having working experience of two years as Librarian or an Assistant Librarian.
  2. Post No.2: (i) SSC  (ii) Possess Government Commercial Certificate with the speed of not less than 120 words per minute in shorthand and not less than 40 words per minute in English typewriting or 30 words per minute in Marathi typewriting.  (iii) possess a certificate in Computer Operation prescribed by the Directorate of Information and Technology, Governor of Maharashtra from time to time.
  3. Post No.3: (i) SSC  (ii) Possess Government Commercial Certificate with the speed of not less than 100 words per minute in shorthand and not less than 40 words per minute in English typewriting or 30 words per minute in Marathi typewriting.  (iii) possess a certificate in Computer Operation prescribed by the Directorate of Information and Technology, Governor of Maharashtra from time to time.
  4. Post No.4: (i) SSC  (ii) Possess Government Commercial Certificate with the speed of not less than 80 words per minute in shorthand and not less than 40 words per minute in English typewriting or 30 words per minute in Marathi typewriting.  (iii) possess a certificate in Computer Operation prescribed by the Directorate of Information and Technology, Governor of Maharashtra from time to time.

Age Limit: 18 to 38 years as on 25 July 2020 [Reserved  Category: 05 years Relaxation]

Job Location: Mumbai, Nagpur & Aurangabad

Fee: No fee.

Address to Send the Application (Email):

Last Date for Submission of Application Form: 25 July 2020 

How to Apply: Send your simple written/typed application for the post of …(Applied Post name)… along with the scanned CV/Resume compulsory and supporting scanned documents (.pdf format) on

Official Website: View

Notification: View

सूचना: 'माझी नोकरी' वरील सर्व PDF File (जाहिरात/निकाल) 'Google Drive' वर होस्ट केल्या जातात. PDF पाहताना काही समस्या असल्यास कृपया 'Google Drive App' Reinstall करा. (Uninstall करुन Install) त्यानंतर Mobile/Tablet Restart करा. 
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