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(IPRC) इस्रो प्रपोल्शन कॉम्प्लेक्स मध्ये 62 जागांसाठी भरती


IPRC Recruitment 2023

IPRC Recruitment 2018Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), ISRO Propulsion Complex, IPRC Recruitment 2023 (IPRC Bharti 2023) for 62 Technical Assistant, Technician ‘B’, Draftsman ‘B’, Heavy Vehicle Driver, Light Vehicle Driver, & Fireman ‘A’ Posts.


जाहिरात क्र.: IPRC/RMT/2023/01

Total: 62 जागा

पदाचे नाव & तपशील: 

पद क्र. पदाचे नाव  पद संख्या
1 टेक्निकल असिस्टंट 24
2 टेक्निशियन ‘B’ 29
3 ड्राफ्टमन ‘B’ 01
4 हेवी व्हेईकल ड्राइव्हर 05
5 लाइट व्हेईकल ड्राइव्हर 02
6 फायरमन ‘A’ 01
Total 62

शैक्षणिक पात्रता:  

  1. पद क्र.1: प्रथम श्रेणीसह मेकॅनिकल/प्रोडक्शन/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & कम्युनिकेशन/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & दूरसंचार/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & इन्स्ट्रुमेंटेशन/इलेक्ट्रिकल/इलेक्ट्रिकल & इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स/कॉम्प्युटर सायन्स/कॉम्प्युटर सायन्स & इंजिनिअरिंग/कॉम्प्युटर टेक्नॉलॉजी/सिव्हिल इंजिनिअरिंग डिप्लोमा
  2. पद क्र.2: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (फिटर/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेकॅनिक/वेल्डर/Reff & AC/ इलेक्ट्रिशियन/प्लंबर).
  3. पद क्र.3: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (ड्राफ्ट्समन-सिव्हिल).
  4. पद क्र.4: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) अवजड वाहन चालक परवाना  (iii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव.
  5. पद क्र.5: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) हलके वाहन चालक परवाना  (iii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव.
  6. पद क्र.6: 10वी उत्तीर्ण

वयाची अट: 24 एप्रिल 2023 रोजी,  [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट,OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

  1. पद क्र.1 ते 5: 18 ते 35 वर्षे
  2. पद क्र.6: 18 ते 25 वर्षे

नोकरी ठिकाण: तमिळनाडु


  1. पद क्र.1: ₹750/-
  2. पद क्र.2 ते 6: ₹500/-

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 24 एप्रिल 2023 (04:00 PM)

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

Online अर्ज: Apply Online


English Post Divider

Advertisement No.: IPRC/RMT/2023/01

Total: 62 Posts

Name of the Post & Details: 

Post No. Name of the Post No. of Vacancy
1 Technical Assistant 24
2 Technician ‘B’ 29
3 Draftsman ‘B’ 01
4 Heavy Vehicle Driver 05
5 Light Vehicle Driver 02
6 Fireman ‘A’ 01
Total 62

Educational Qualification:

  1. Post No.1: First Class Diploma in Mechanical/Production/Electronics/Electronics & Communication/Electronics & Telecommunication/Electronics & Instrumentation/Electrical/Electrical & Electronics/Computer Science/Computer Science & Engineering/Computer Technology/Civil Engineering with
  2. Post No.2: (i) 10th pass   (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (Fitter/Electronic Mechanic/Welder/Reff & AC/ Electrician/Plumber).
  3. Post No.3: (i) 10th Pass  (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (Draftsman-Civil).
  4. Post No.4: (i) 10th pass  (ii) Heavy Vehicle Driving License (iii) 05 years experience.
  5. Post No.5: (i) 10th pass  (ii) Light Vehicle Driving License (iii) 03 years experience.
  6. Post No.6: 10th pass

Age Limit: as on 24 April 2023, [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

  1. Post No.1 to 5: 18 to 35 years
  2. Post No.6: 18 to 25 years

Job Location: Tamil Nadu


  1. Post No.1: ₹750/-
  2. Post No.2 to 6: ₹500/-

Last Date to Apply Online Application: 24 April 2023 (04:00 PM)

Official Website: View

Notification: View

Online Application: Apply Online

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[expand title=” 100 जागांसाठी भरती  (Click Here) “]

जाहिरात क्र.: IPRC/RMT/APP/2023/01

Total: 100 जागा

पदाचे नाव & तपशील: 

अ. क्र. पदाचे नाव  पद संख्या
पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस
1 मेकॅनिकल 10
2 इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स 10
3 इलेक्ट्रिकल 05
4 सिव्हिल 04
5 इन्स्ट्रुमेंटेशन 02
6 केमिकल 02
7 कॉम्पुटर सायन्स 05
8 ग्रंथालय विज्ञान 03
टेक्निशियन अप्रेंटिस
9 मेकॅनिकल 15
10  इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स 10
11 इलेक्ट्रिकल 10
12 सिव्हिल 05
13 केमिकल 04
पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस (Non Engineering)
14 B.A, B.Sc, B.Com 15
Total 100

शैक्षणिक पात्रता:  

  1. पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस: संबंधित विषयात प्रथम श्रेणी इंजिनिअरिंग पदवी/संबंधित विषयात प्रथम श्रेणी पदवी.
  2. टेक्निशियन अप्रेंटिस: संबंधित विषयात प्रथम श्रेणी इंजिनिअरिंग डिप्लोमा.
  3. पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस (Non Engineering): प्रथम श्रेणी B.A, B.Sc, B.Com.

वयाची अट: 11 फेब्रुवारी 2023 रोजी, [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट,OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

  1. पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस: 35 वर्षांपर्यंत
  2. टेक्निशिअन अप्रेंटिस: 35 वर्षांपर्यंत
  3. पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस (Non Engineering): 28 वर्षांपर्यंत

नोकरी ठिकाण: तमिळनाडू

Fee: फी नाही.

थेट मुलाखत: 11 फेब्रुवारी 2023 (09:00 AM ते 12:00 PM)

मुलाखतीचे ठिकाण: ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

अर्ज (Application Form): पाहा

English Post Divider

Advertisement No.: IPRC/RMT/APP/2023/01

Total: 100 Posts

Name of the Post & Details: 

Post No. Name of the Post No. of Vacancy
1 Graduate Apprentice 41
2 Technician Apprentice 44
3 Graduate Apprentice (Non-Engineering) 15
Total 100

Educational Qualification:

  1. Graduate Apprentice: First Class Engineering/Technology Degree in the respective disciplines. Bachelor’s Degree (in Arts/Science/Commerce) +Degree in Library Science/ Library & Information Science with First Class.
  2. Technician Apprentice: Diploma in Engineering/Technology in the respective disciplines with First Class.
  3. Graduate Apprentice (Non-Engineering): First Class Bachelor’s Degree (in Arts/Science/Commerce).

Age Limit: as on 11 February 2023 [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

  1. Graduate Apprentice: 35 years
  2. Technician Apprentice: 35 years
  3. Graduate Apprentice (Non-Engineering): 28 years

Job Location: Tamil Nadu

Fee: No fee.

Date of Interview: 11 February 2023 (09:00 AM to 12:00 PM)

Venue of Interview: ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu.

Official Website: View

Notification: View

Application Form: View


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[expand title=” 220 जागांसाठी भरती  (Click Here) “]

जाहिरात क्र.: IPRC/RMT/APP/2019/01

Total: 220 जागा  

पदाचे नाव & तपशील: 

अ.क्र. पदाचे नाव  पद संख्या
पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस
1 मेकॅनिकल 10
2 इलेक्ट्रिकल 05
3 इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & कम्युनिकेशन 10
4 इन्स्ट्रुमेंटेशन 02
5 केमिकल 02
6 कॉम्पुटर सायन्स 05
7 सिव्हिल 04
8 ग्रंथालय विज्ञान 03
टेक्निशिअन अप्रेंटिस
9 मेकॅनिकल 20
10 इलेक्ट्रिकल & इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स 10
11 इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स & कम्युनिकेशन 15
12 केमिकल 05
13 सिव्हिल 09
ट्रेड अप्रेंटिस
14 फिटर 22
16 इलेक्ट्रिशिअन 09
17 वेल्डर 06
18 टर्नर 02
19 इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेकॅनिक/Mech. R&TV 02
20 मेकॅनिस्ट 04
21 ड्राफ्ट्समन (मेकॅनिक) 05
22 ड्राफ्ट्समन (सिव्हिल) 04
23 इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक 04
24 Ref. & AC  मेकॅनिक 04
25 मेकॅनिक डिझेल 02
26 कारपेंटर 01
27 इन्स्ट्रुमेंट मेकॅनिक (केमिकल प्लांट) 45

शैक्षणिक पात्रता:  

  1. पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस: संबंधित विषयात प्रथम श्रेणी इंजिनिअरिंग पदवी/संबंधित विषयात प्रथम श्रेणी पदवी.
  2. टेक्निशिअन अप्रेंटिस: संबंधित विषयात प्रथम श्रेणी इंजिनिअरिंग डिप्लोमा
  3. ट्रेड अप्रेंटिस: (i) 10 वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) संबंधित ट्रेड मध्ये ITI 

वयाची अट: मुलाखतीच्या दिवशी 35 वर्षांपर्यंत,  [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट,OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

नोकरी ठिकाण: तमिळनाडु

Fee: फी नाही

थेट मुलाखत: (09:00 AM & 01:30 PM)

  1. पदवीधर अप्रेंटिस: 14 डिसेंबर 2019
  2. टेक्निशिअन अप्रेंटिस: 21 डिसेंबर 2019
  3. ट्रेड अप्रेंटिस: 04 जानेवारी 2020

मुलाखतीचे ठिकाण: ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification): पाहा

अर्ज (Application Form): पाहा

English Post Divider

Advertisement No.: IPRC/RMT/APP/2019/01

Total: 220 Posts

Name of the Post & Details: 

Post No. Name of the Post No. of Vacancy
1 Graduate Apprentice 41
2 Technician Apprentice 59
3 Trade Apprentice 120
Total 220

Educational Qualification:

  1. Graduate Apprentice: First Class Engineering/Technology Degree in the respective disciplines. Bachelor’s Degree (in Arts/Science/Commerce) +Degree in Library Science/ Library & Information Science with First Class.
  2. Technician Apprentice:Diploma in Engineering/Technology in the respective disciplines with First Class.
  3. Trade Apprentice: SSLC Pass + ITI in respective Trade from NCVT with NTC

Age Limit:  35 years as on Interview, [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

Job Location: Tamil Nadu

Fee: No fee.

Date of Interview: (09:00 AM & 01:30 PM)

  1. Graduate Apprentice: 14 December 2019
  2. Technician Apprentice: 21 December 2019
  3. Trade Apprentice: 04 January 2019

Venue of Interview: ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu.

Official Website: View

Notification: View

Application Form: View


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[expand title=” 34 जागांसाठी भरती  (Click Here) “]

जाहिरात क्र.: IPRC/RMT/2019/02 & IPRC/RMT/2019/03

Total: 34 जागा  

पदाचे नाव & तपशील: 

पद क्र. पदाचे नाव  पद संख्या
1 टेक्निकल असिस्टंट  10
2 सायंटिफिक असिस्टंट 01
3 कॅटरिंग सुपरवाइजर 01
4 फार्मासिस्ट ‘A’ 01
5 हिंदी टायपिस्ट 01
6 टेक्निशिअन ‘B’ 13
7 ड्राफ्टमन ‘B’ (मेकॅनिकल) 01
8 ड्राइव्हर-कम-ऑपरेटर ‘A’ 02
9 फायरमन ‘A’ 02
10 कुक 01
11 लाइट वेहिकल ड्राइव्हर 01
Total 34

शैक्षणिक पात्रता:  

  1. पद क्र.1: प्रथम श्रेणीसह मेकॅनिकल/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स  इंजिनिअरिंग डिप्लोमा.
  2. पद क्र.2: प्रथम श्रेणी B.Sc.(Chemistry)
  3. पद क्र.3: हॉटेल व्यवस्थापन / हॉटेल मॅनेजमेन्ट & कॅटरिंग तंत्रज्ञान / हॉस्पिटॅलिटी & हॉटेल अ‍ॅडमिनिस्ट्रेशन / केटरिंग सायन्स आणि हॉटेल मॅनेजमेंट पदवी व 01 वर्ष अनुभव किंवा हॉटेल व्यवस्थापन PG डिप्लोमा व 2 वर्षे  अनुभव किंवा कॅटरिंग मध्ये डिप्लोमा व 3 वर्षे अनुभव.
  4. पद क्र.4: प्रथम श्रेणी फार्मसी डिप्लोमा.
  5. पद क्र.5: (i) कला / विज्ञान / वाणिज्य / व्यवस्थापन / संगणक अनुप्रयोगात प्रथम श्रेणीसह पदवी.  (ii) संगणकावर हिंदी टायपिंग 25 श.प्र.मि.
  6. पद क्र.6: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (फिटर/इलेक्ट्रॉनिक मेकॅनिक/वेल्डर/कारपेंटर).
  7. पद क्र.7: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (ड्राफ्ट्समन-मेकॅनिकल).
  8. पद क्र.8: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) अवजड वाहन चालक परवाना  (iii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव.
  9. पद क्र.9: 10वी उत्तीर्ण
  10. पद क्र.10: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण  (ii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव.
  11. पद क्र.11: (i) 10वी उत्तीर्ण   (ii) हलके वाहन चालक परवाना  (iii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव.

वयाची अट: 14 ऑक्टोबर 2019 रोजी,  [SC/ST: 05 वर्षे सूट,OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]

  1. पद क्र.1 ते 4, 6, 7, 10 & 11: 18 ते 35 वर्षे 
  2. पद क्र.5: 18 ते 26 वर्षे 
  3. पद क्र.8 & 9: 18 ते 25 वर्षे 

नोकरी ठिकाण: तमिळनाडु

Fee:  [SC/ST/ExSM/PWD/महिला: फी नाही]

  1. पद क्र.1 ते 3: General/OBC: ₹250/- 
  2. पद क्र.4 ते 11: General/OBC: ₹100/-  

Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 14 ऑक्टोबर 2019 

स्वीकृति (Acknowledgement) पोस्टाने पाठविण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 21 ऑक्टोबर 2019

स्वीकृति पोस्टाने पाठविण्याचा पत्ता: The Administrative Officer (Recruitment), ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu – 627 133

अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पाहा

जाहिरात (Notification) & Online अर्ज: 

पद क्र. जाहिरात  Online अर्ज
पद क्र.1 ते 3 पाहा Apply Online
पद क्र.4 & 11 पाहा

Majhi Naukri Post Divider English

Advertisement No.: IPRC/RMT/2019/02 & IPRC/RMT/2019/03

Total: 34 Posts

Name of the Post & Details: 

Post No. Name of the Post No. of Vacancy
1 Technical Assistant 10
2 Scientific Assistant 01
3 Catering Supervisor 01
4 Pharmacist ‘A’ 01
5 Hindi Typist 01
6 Technician ‘B’ 13
7 Draughtsman ‘B’ (Mechanical) 01
8 Driver-cum-Operator ‘A’ 02
9 Fireman ‘A’ 02
10 Cook 01
11 Light Vechile Driver 01
Total 34

Educational Qualification:

  1. Post No.1: First Class Diploma in Mechanical/Electronics Engineering.
  2. Post No.2: First Class B.Sc. Degree in Chemistry
  3. Post No.3: Bacherlor’s Degree in hotel management/Hotel Management & catering technology / Hospitality & Hotel Administration / Catering Science & Hotel Management with one year exeperience OR PG Diploma in Hotel Management + 2 Years exeperience OR Diploma in Catering + 3 years exeperience The experience should be in supervisory capacity in an industrial canteen or an established hotel catering to more than 300 persons. Candidate should be capable of providing top grade canteen services using modern state of the art kitchen equipment. The experience should be after obtaining the relevant qualification.
  4. Post No.4: First Class Diploma in Pharmacy
  5. Post No.5: Graduation in Arts / Science / Commerce / Management / Computer Applications with First Class as declared by the University. The candidates should have studied Hindi as one of the subjects at Matriculation/Degree level or passed either of these examinations in Hindi medium. Hindi Typewriting speed @ 25 words per minute on Computer. Knowledge in the use of Computers. Knowledge in English Typewriting is desirable.
  6. Post No.6: (i) Pass in SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th Std.   (ii) ITI/NTC/NAC (Fitter/Electronic Mechanic/Welder/Carpenter).
  7. Post No.7: (i) Pass in SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th Std.   (ii) ITI in Draughtsman (Mechanical) Trade NCVT with NTC/NAC
  8. Post No.8: Pass in SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th Std. Must possess valid HVD license 3 years experience as HVD (should be acquired after obtaining license) Should satisfy the prescribed Physical Fitness/Endurance Standards Experience Certificate should only be from Governmnet /Semi-Governmnet agencies /Registered Companies/Societies /Trusts,etc. Experience Certificate from individyals will not be accepted.
  9. Post No.9: Pass in SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th Std.
  10. Post No.10: Pass in SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th Std.  (ii) 5 years experience as Cook in a well Established Hotel/ Canteen.Experience Certificate issued by a well Established Hotel /Canteen should be submitted during Skill Test.Experience Certificate from individyals will not be accepted
  11. Post No.11: Pass in SSLC/SSC/Matric/10th Std. Must possess valid LVD license Any other requirement of Motor Vechile Act of Tamilnadu State should be met within 3 month from the date of joining the post. 3 years experience as LVD (should be acquired after obtaining valid LVD license) Should satisfy the prescribed Physical Fitness/Endurance Standards Experience Certificate should only be from Governmnet /Semi-Governmnet agencies /Registered Companies/Societies /Trusts,etc. Experience Certificate from individyals will not be accepted. Part Time Experience will not be considered for experience.

Age Limit: as on 14 October 2019, [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]

  1. Post No.1 to 4, 6, 7, 10 & 11: 18 to 35 years
  2. Post No.5: 18 to 26 years
  3. Post No.8 & 9: 18 to 25 years

Job Location: Tamil Nadu

Fee:  [SC/ST/ExSM/PWD/Female: No fee]

  1. Post No.1 to 3: General/OBC: ₹250/-
  2. Post No.4 to 11: General/OBC: ₹100/-

Last Date of Online Application: 14 October 2019 

Last Date for Submission of Acknowledgement: 21 October 2019

Address to Send the Acknowledgement by Post: The Administrative Officer (Recruitment), ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC), Mahendragiri, Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu – 627 133

Official Website: View

Notification & Online Application: 

Post No. Notification Online Application
Post No.1 to 3 View Apply Online
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About IPRC Recruitment

ISRO Propulsion Complex (IPRC) is a leading space research organization under the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). IPRC conducts recruitment for various positions from time to time. Here is some general information about IPRC recruitment:

1. Positions: IPRC conducts recruitment for various positions, including Technician, Graduate Apprentice, Trade Apprentice, and other positions as per the requirement.

2. Eligibility: The eligibility criteria for IPRC recruitment vary based on the position applied for. Generally, candidates should have completed their ITI, Diploma, or Engineering degree in the relevant field with a minimum of 60% marks from a recognized university. The maximum age limit varies depending on the position applied for.

3. Selection Process: The selection process for IPRC recruitment consists of a written test and an interview. The written test consists of objective type questions related to the field of the position applied for. Candidates who clear the written test are called for an interview.

4. Application Process: Interested candidates can apply for IPRC recruitment online through the official website. Candidates need to register themselves by filling in the required details and upload the necessary documents. The application fee for the exam is nominal, and candidates can pay the fee online through net banking, credit card, or debit card.

5. Admit Card: The admit card for the written test is issued to eligible candidates on the official website. Candidates must download and take a printout of the admit card to appear for the examination.

6. Results: The results of the written test and interview are generally declared on the official website, and candidates who clear the examination and interview are called for document verification and medical examination.

Tags: iprc recruitment, iprc isro recruitment

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