NIRDPR Recruitment 2023
National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj (NIRD&PR), Hyderabad, an autonomous national institution under the Ministry of Rural Development, Govt. of India. NIRDPR Recruitment 2023 (NIRDPR Bharti 2023) for 141 Young Fellows Posts.
जाहिरात क्र.: 13/2023
Total: 141 जागा
पदाचे नाव: यंग फेलो
SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | Total |
21 | 10 | 38 | 14 | 58 | 141 |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता: (i) सामाजिक शास्त्राच्या कोणत्याही शाखेत पदव्युत्तर पदवी/PG डिप्लोमा. (ii) MS Office मधील प्राविण्य आणि क्षमतेसह सॉफ्ट स्किल्स ऑनलाइन प्रशिक्षण आणि अहवाल.
वयाची अट: 01 एप्रिल 2023 रोजी 35 वर्षांपर्यंत [SC/ST:05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]
नोकरी ठिकाण: संपूर्ण भारत.
Fee: General/OBC/EWS: ₹300/- [SC/ST/PWD: फी नाही]
Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 08 मे 2023

Advertisement No.: 13/2023
Total: 141 Posts
Name of the Post: Young Fellows
SC | ST | OBC | EWS | UR | Total |
21 | 10 | 38 | 14 | 58 | 141 |
Educational Qualification: (i) Post Graduate Degree/PG Diploma in any branch of Social Science. (ii) Soft skills online training and reporting with proficiency and competence in MS Office.
Age Limit: up to 35 years as on 01 April 2023 [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]
Job Location: All India.
Fee: General/OBC/EWS: ₹300/- [SC/ST/PWD: No Fee]
Last Date of Online Application: 08 May 2023
Online Application: Apply Online [expand title=”135 जागांसाठी भरती (Click Here) “]
जाहिरात क्र.: 60/2022
Total: 135 जागा
पदाचे नाव & तपशील:
पद क्र. | पदाचे नाव | पद संख्या |
1 | कंसल्टंट सिनियर प्रोग्राम मॅनेजमेंट कंसल्टंट | 01 |
2 | प्रोजेक्ट ट्रेनिंग मॅनेजर | 01 |
3 | प्रोजेक्ट असोसिएट (रिसर्च & डॉक्युमेंटेशन) | 01 |
4 | मल्टी टास्क सपोर्ट असिस्टंट | 01 |
5 | स्टेज प्रोग्राम को-ऑर्डिनेटर | 06 |
6 | यंग फेलो | 125 |
Total | 135 |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता:
- पद क्र.1: (i) सामाजिक शास्त्राच्या कोणत्याही शाखेत पदव्युत्तर पदवी. (ii) 10 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.2: (i) कोणत्याही शाखेतील पदव्युत्तर पदवी. (ii) 03 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.3: (i) सामाजिक शास्त्राच्या कोणत्याही शाखेत पदव्युत्तर पदवी. (ii) 02 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.4: (i) कोणत्याही शाखेतील पदवी. (ii) 01 वर्ष अनुभव
- पद क्र.5: (i) सामाजिक शास्त्राच्या कोणत्याही शाखेत पदव्युत्तर पदवी. (ii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.6: (i) सामाजिक शास्त्राच्या कोणत्याही शाखेत पदव्युत्तर पदवी/PG डिप्लोमा. (ii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव
वयाची अट: 19 जानेवारी 2023 रोजी, [SC/ST:05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]
- पद क्र.1: 50 वर्षांपर्यंत
- पद क्र.2: 40 वर्षांपर्यंत
- पद क्र.3: 35 वर्षांपर्यंत
- पद क्र.4: 35 वर्षांपर्यंत
- पद क्र.5: 50 वर्षांपर्यंत
- पद क्र.6: 35 वर्षांपर्यंत
नोकरी ठिकाण: संपूर्ण भारत.
Fee: General/OBC/EWS: ₹300/- [SC/ST/PWD: फी नाही]
Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 09 फेब्रुवारी 2023
Advertisement No.: 60/2022
Total: 135 Posts
Name of the Post & Details:
Post No. | Name of the Post | No. of Vacancy |
1 | Senior Programme Management Consultant | 01 |
2 | Project Training Manager | 01 |
3 | Project Associate (Research & Documentation) | 01 |
4 | Multi Task Support Assistant | 01 |
5 | State Programme Coordinator | 06 |
6 | Young Fellows | 125 |
Total | 135 |
Educational Qualification:
- Post No.1: (i) Master Degree in any stream of Social Science from any recognized university. (ii) 10 years experience
- Post No.2: (i) Master Degree in any discipline from any recognized university. (ii) 03 years experience
- Post No.3: (i) Master Degree in any stream of Social Science from any recognized university.. (ii) 02 years experience
- Post No.4: (i) Graduation from any recognized university. (ii) 01 year experience
- Post No.5: (i) Master Degree in any stream of Social Science from any recognized university.. (ii) 05 years experience
- Post No.6: (i) Master Degree in any stream of Social Science from any recognized university./PG Diploma. (ii) 05 years experience
Age Limit: as on 19 January 2023, [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]
- Post No.1: Upto 50 years
- Post No.2: Upto 40 years
- Post No.3: Upto 35 years
- Post No.4: Upto 35 years
- Post No.5: Upto 50 years
- Post No.6: Upto 35 years
Job Location: All India.
Fee: General/OBC/EWS: ₹300/- [SC/ST/PWD: No Fee]
Last Date of Online Application: 09 February 2023
Online Application: Apply Online [expand title=” 510 जागांसाठी भरती (Click Here) “]
जाहिरात क्र.: 16/2020
Total: 510 जागा
पदाचे नाव & तपशील:
पद क्र. | पदाचे नाव | पद संख्या |
1 | राज्य कार्यक्रम समन्वयक | 10 |
2 | यंग फेलो | 250 |
3 | क्लस्टर लेव्हल रिसोर्स पर्सन | 250 |
Total | 510 |
शैक्षणिक पात्रता:
- पद क्र.1: (i) अर्थशास्त्र / ग्रामीण विकास / ग्रामीण व्यवस्थापन / राज्यशास्त्र / समाजशास्त्र / मानववंशशास्त्र / सामाजिक कार्य / विकास अभ्यास / इतिहास यासह सामाजिक विज्ञान पदव्युत्तर पदवी (ii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.2: (i) अर्थशास्त्र / ग्रामीण विकास / ग्रामीण व्यवस्थापन / राज्यशास्त्र / समाजशास्त्र / मानववंशशास्त्र / सामाजिक कार्य / विकास अभ्यास / इतिहास यासह सामाजिक विज्ञान पदव्युत्तर पदवी किंवा पदव्युत्तर डिप्लोमा (ii) 0 ते 05 वर्षे अनुभव
- पद क्र.3: (i) 12वी उत्तीर्ण (ii) 05 वर्षे अनुभव
वयाची अट: 01 नोव्हेंबर 2020 रोजी, [SC/ST:05 वर्षे सूट, OBC: 03 वर्षे सूट]
- पद क्र.1: 30 ते 50 वर्षे
- पद क्र.2: 21 ते 30 वर्षे
- पद क्र.3: 25 ते 40 वर्षे
नोकरी ठिकाण: संपूर्ण भारत.
Fee: फी नाही.
Online अर्ज करण्याची शेवटची तारीख: 29 डिसेंबर 2020 09 मार्च 2021
सूचना: EWS & PWD उमेदवारांकरिता 09 मार्च 2021 पर्यंत मुदतवाढ देण्यात आली आहे.
अधिकृत वेबसाईट: पहा
जाहिरात (Notification): पहा
Online अर्ज: Apply Online
Advertisement No.: 16/2020
Total: 510 Posts
Name of the Post & Details:
Posts No. | Name of the Post | No. of Vacancy |
1 | State Programme Coordinator | 10 |
2 | Young Fellow | 250 |
3 | Cluster Level Resource Person | 250 |
Total | 510 |
Educational Qualification:
- Post No.1: (i) Post Graduate Degree in Social Science including Economics/Rural Development/Rural Management/Political Science/Sociology/ Anthropology / Social Work/Development Studies / History and similar disciplines from any recognized university (ii) 05 years experience
- Post No.2: (i) Post Graduate Degree / 2 years’ Post Graduate Diploma in Social Science including Economics/Rural Development/Rural Management/Political Science/Sociology/ Anthropology / Social Work/Development Studies / History and similar disciplines from any recognized university. (ii) 0 to 05 years experience
- Post No.3: (i) Class XII pass from any recognized Board of Education. (ii) 05 years experience
Age Limit: as on 01 November 2020, [SC/ST: 05 years Relaxation, OBC: 03 years Relaxation]
- Post No.1: 30 to 50 years
- Post No.2: 21 to 30 years
- Post No.3: 25 to 40 years
Job Location: All India
Fee: No fee.
Last Date of Online Application: 29 December 2020 09 March 2021
Online Application: View
Notification: View
Online Application: Apply Online
About NIRDPR Recruitment:The National Institute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj (NIRDPR) is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. It is located in Hyderabad, Telangana, and focuses on rural development and related research. 1. Positions: NIRDPR conducts various recruitment drives to hire candidates for different positions such as Project Manager, Research Associate, Junior Project Consultant, etc. Here is some general information about NIRDPR recruitment: 2. Eligibility: The eligibility criteria for NIRDPR recruitment vary depending on the position applied for. Generally, candidates should have completed their graduation or post-graduation in the relevant field from a recognized university or institute. The maximum age limit varies depending on the position applied for. 3. Selection Process: The selection process for NIRDPR recruitment consists of a written test and interview. The written test consists of objective-type questions related to the field of the position applied for. Candidates who clear the written test are called for an interview. 4. Application Process: Interested candidates can apply for NIRDPR recruitment online through the official website. Candidates need to register themselves by filling in the required details and upload the necessary documents. The application fee for the exam is nominal, and candidates can pay the fee online through net banking, credit card, or debit card. 5. Admit Card: The admit card for the written test is issued to eligible candidates on the official website. Candidates must download and take a printout of the admit card to appear for the examination. 6. Results: The results of the written test and interview are generally declared on the official website, and candidates who clear the examination and interview are called for document verification and medical examination. |